Created through a partnership between Arts-Ed and the local community, this program is a distinctive blend of experiential education, guided tours, and immersive engagement with the religious community at the Streets of Harmony Seberang Jaya.
The program, spanning a comprehensive 5-hour experiential education journey, was designed with clear and significant objectives in mind. Firstly, it aimed to cultivate an appreciation for the cultural values embedded within the Streets of Harmony Seberang Jaya. Participants were actively involved in community activities, fostering genuine respect for the diverse cultural tapestry prevalent in the area.
Moreover, the program encouraged participants to delve into the multifaceted interpretations of ‘harmony’ witnessed within the Streets of Harmony. By immersing themselves in these diverse perspectives, individuals were empowered to develop and personalize their own understanding of this crucial concept, thus broadening their perspectives significantly. All 9 Houses of Worships at the Streets of Harmony were involved in various ways throughout the program.
- Harmonizing the Streets for Youth by SangSaeng
- 檳城和諧機構推跨族群導覽 互訪宗教場所盼打破刻板|20231218 公視晚間新聞 by 公視新聞網
- Unlocking cultural understanding: A unique blend of education and fun by Buletin Mutiara
- 促进不同宗教信仰之间了解 槟和谐机构推介“和谐之旅” by Buletin Mutiara
- 帶領民眾訪各宗教場所 檳和諧機構辦和諧之旅 by Guang Ming Daily
- 赴一场“诗布朗再也和谐之旅” 学习不同宗教习俗 by China Press
- Promoting understanding among races through harmony exploration in Penang by Malay Mail